copywriter — Product Management UX/UI & Interacion Blog — Frank derFrankie Neulichedl


Does our client know what content is? 6 Steps to better content!

Everybody talks about content and content strategy, but does the client actually understand you when you talk to him about content?

What is the target group of your own portfolio website

Ever wondered at an job interview why they ask you the wrong questions? As freelancer you get only projects you are not interested in? People always refer you as the technical/programmer guy, not the designer? Maybe your portfolio website targets the wrong audience.

Corporate Publishing doesn't need to be boring

I will start my new series about corporate publishing by demystifying a myth - corporate publishing is boring. I will show you in this lesson how you can make a graphically stunning article about the introduction of a new window hardware product line by telling a story.

Tuning in with the copywriter

Graphic design is teamwork and therefore a good collaboration with your copywriter is the key to success. Working together with a copywriter on the other hand is sometimes harder. Here a few tips on how to get in sync with the copywriter.

Your client is not a copywriter

As a graphic designer you don't care much about the text, it’s not your business - as an art director you must care about it. Here are some tips on how you understand if a text it’s good enough and how you convince your client that is worthwhile having a copywriter do the job.